Thursday, October 28, 2010

Recovering my health; continuing the challenge!

Hello all,
Now that it is a week post-procedure from the radiofrequency ablation lesioning, I am starting to see the improvement. Overall, the pain in my shoulders has been reduced although I am still experiencing acute pain in my left shoulder blade. The RA procedure on my left side was done 3 weeks ago. I was told years ago that the nerve that was compromised by a large osteophyte at the C5 level was permanently damaged, so that may be the continual problem.

 Have you ever heard of a surgeon leaving a spur inside a fusion? The surgeon explained his theory that the fusion would reduce the motion and irritation on the nerve so that it would heal, but the spur was narrowing the foraminal opening too much for healing to ever occur! This was a case where the "ego" of the orthopedic spinal surgeon overtook reasoning, the Hippocratic oath, and regard for the welfare and outcome of the patient. Remember the term, "Physician, Do No Harm!"

Please seek out multiple opinions before consenting to surgery. Many orthopedic surgeons specialize in spinal surgery and classify themselves as "spinal surgeons", but patient beware! If you have a complicated case, it will require the expertise of a neurosurgeon who specializes in spinal surgery. This was my greatest mistake. Thank God that I found an excellent neurosurgeon who was able to remove the spur by doing a foraminotomy. Even though I improved from that surgery, I was left with permanent damage at this level.

I had my first treatment with radiofrequency ablation lesioning over a year ago which included C2, C3, C4, and C5 levels. Unfortunately, not even this procedure seems to stop this problem. The chronic widespread pain in my shoulders and neck does seem to be improving with the exception of my left scapula. It is like envisioning a knife that is stuck in my shoulder blade. So I guess I am not ready to reduce my levels of Embeda (morphine sulfate) again. I have a feeling that I am heading for my third radiofrequency ablation procedure that will be performed within a two month period of time.

When you have spinal degenerative disease in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar portions of the spine, it becomes a challenge to control pain. It seems that the pain has a will of its own and it moves just like that game where you stomp the little mole when it comes up. It always pops up somewhere else!

  • Mind: positive thoughts!
    •  I will overcome this pain and as I read my first sentence again, I agree that it is improving!
  • Body: exercise and following physician directives!
    • Although exercising through pain is difficult, I will keep going. I am starting to enjoy the Sit and Be Fit shows regardless of the benefits.
    • There are benefits to exercise.
    • Walking is getting easier and I can walk through the shoulder pain.
    • Ice is my best friend!
  • Spirit: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    • There is a purpose to my life.
    • I have written a novel about my illness that will proclaim God's glory
    • I am loved!
Have a Blessed Day!

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