Saturday, October 16, 2010

Conquering Chronic Pain through The Lord

Hello Fellow Pain Patients.

I woke up in pain. My left shoulder and arm hurt this morning. I had radiofrequency ablation done on my left side at the C6, C7, and T1 levels on October 6, 2010. The pain has reduced some on my left side but is ever so present every minute of the day. By 8:00am I was reaching for my medication and I took 400 mg of Gabapentin (Neurontin) and 30mg of Embeda (morphine sulfate). I decided to go for a walk even though I was in pain. I have to start somewhere on this journey back although I really didn't want to go. I walked for 12 minutes. It is a start. 

I then started a DVR of a show called Sit and Be Fit. My husband walked into the room while I was attempting to exercise and I turned the TV off abrupty.  Why? I was embarrassed! I was trying to exercise while sitting in a chair to a show that features seniors. I'm not that old and I didn't want my husband to think of me as an old woman.  Oh, this is the "Stinking Thinking" that I have to work on. So what! Just because I can't exercise like a normal person or the way that I used to before my disability took control of my life is no reason to quit or become embarrassed.

So what did I do next? I went into another room of my home and cried. I cried because of what I couldn't do instead of focusing on the positives. I can walk today! I can sit and exercise a little today! I am alive today! Ok, no more of the stinky thoughts today! Tomorrow will be a better day! I pray that my pain will decrease some more tomorrow. I pray that I will not have to increase my medications since one of my goals is to live a life free of pain medication. I pray for strength to make it through a day without crumbling into tears. I am so blessed by God. I thank God for my blessings and the things that I can still do and I thank Him for my healing. I know it will come!

In the book of Matthew in the New King James Bible, Jesus tells us,
"And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

But just because we ask God for something and believe He is going to give it to us, dosen't mean that God is going to automatically give it to us. It has to be inline with God's perfect will for our lives.  God is faithful and He has good plans for my life.

I made it through the today. God granted me peace today and I am thankful for that. I will rest easy tonight even though I have pain. I will not have to endure it tonight. It just exists for now.

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